Friday, April 13, 2012

will be in vegas aug 3-7. booked carrot top...what else....

booked carrot top for monday night.

what else is a must see?

we heard we MUST check out the Voodoo Lounge for the view.

what do we do sunday, tuesday and wednesday nights??

recommendations anyone!????



will be in vegas aug 3-7. booked carrot top...what else....

your ages and interests would be a great help here!

will be in vegas aug 3-7. booked carrot top...what else....

Lance Burton is awesome. Afternoon show at Harrahs called MacKing is also good!


ages are early (young!) 40%26#39;s.

pretty much game for any type of show. we are booked for carrot Top, willing to do another comedy show but thought maybe try something different.

Couple of things i considered are:

MGM Crazy Hore Paris

Defending the Caveman

Neil Diamond Tribute

Voodoo lounge

Wax Museum (i know, that sounds lame!)

%26amp; of course the Bellagio Water Fountain show!

not interested in seeing Hoover Dam or grand Canyon,

want to do a bit of outlet shopping within the 4 days at some point, and to check out other hotels (venetian, Luxur, etc) .

I would suggest a Cirque show - Mystere is my favorite. If you are looking for comedy, we loved Anthony Cools. Also, there are comedy clubs at a few of the casinos that are usually good and inexpensive.

Carnival Court is a great bar/hangout.

I%26#39;ve heard bad things about Defending the Cafeman - just thought that I%26#39;d let you know.

You can always spend a nite downtown as well.

Have fun!

Cirque show LOVE

Penn and Teller-if you want some magic with your humor

we tried to go up to Voodoo on a Wed night at 8 :30 and they wanted to charge $20 a piece so we changed our minds because we felt unwanted there. Anyway, we went back to the slots and I won $1500 so I guess we made the right decision !

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