Coming to Vegas for the first time and noticing ALOT of variation on the tipping suggestions...
we are not %26#39;loaded%26#39; by any means but would tip regardless.
Tipping cab drivers: ?
Tipping housekeeping:?
Tipping Bellboy:?
When tipping housekeeping would this cover the turndown service as well? (i can never understand why one needs to tip for someone to pull your bedding back and close your curtains, but i deal with it).
Please let me know what your thoughts are on tipping for the above mentioned positions.
Thanks All!
tipping, how much and for whom....
you will get many different answers to this. For me 15% for cab, $2 a day house keeping, $3 if my kids make a mess or we need extras, bellman $2 a bag.
tipping, how much and for whom....
cab drivers
we take them rarely, but, I think 20% is likely reasonable.
tip a couple bucks a day OR $5 at the end of the stay if they have not done any cleaning until we leave- see next comment.
We don%26#39;t like people in our room, and we bring lap tops, electronics, camera%26#39;s etc... not all rooms have safes. We often put Do Not Disturb sign on the door the entire time we are there, we are never any one place for more than a couple days except while on a cruise or resort. I don%26#39;t like things out of place, so, we clean and organize all along and I could care less if my bed is made for two days.
Personally, I have never left anything with the bellboy, but, my understanding from reading here is a dollar a bag.
I will throw another on here in case you have a vehicle...
We asked the Valet at Flamingo what we should be tipping when we drop our car, he said they expect $1 when you pick up your vehicle. We pay a couple dollars when we drop off and pick up. Have never had bad service, hope we are tipping appropriately based on his comments.
Well, according to most people on here, you HAVE to tip EVERYBODY!! driver, housekeeper, bellboy, concierge, dealer, pit boss, valet, janitor,
I can NOT believe the valet guy actually told you they ';expect'; a tip of at least a dollar!! How tacky is that?!?! But then again, it IS Vegas I guess!
Because don%26#39;t forget.....these people are only making minimum wage and are struggling to make ends meet!!
When in Rome..........
Put tipping etiquette in the search box and you will get all the info you need.
Tipping IS NOT diseretionary
';they make min wage and are struggeling to make ends meet'; Valets and doormen do make about min. wage, but trust me they are not struggeling. Most all make more a year then the management.
You tip when you pick up your car, not at drop off. Giving them a tip at the beginning does nothing to protect your car. My brother was a valet so this is first hand info.
I would be very embaressed to have a bellman bring up my bags and than give him nothing.
On tipping %26amp; room service. Always look at your bill. There is usually an 18% cahrge. That is the tip, DO NOT add more. Many people do not know this.
%26#39;Tipping IS NOT diseretionary %26#39;
since when?
the 18% surcharge on room service is a tip, but it is split up by the kitchen %26amp; other bellboys. anything extra goes directly to person who delivered your food, so give more if service is exceptional. i list a range for all tips because amounts vary based on service and the person tipping. tipping, while expected, is very discrentionary. i just look on it as good karma as an extra couple of bucks means a lot more to service individuals than it does to;s pretty much $2-$5 for everything.
for cab drivers, 20% is good, but for simplicity, just give $2-$5.
housekeeping $2 - $5 a day.
bellboy - $2-$5 per bag is the norm.
valet, on pickup - $2-$5
guy at the taxi stand - $1-$2
dealers - make a wager for them when you are winning, or give at least 5% of your total profit when you leave.
and you can tip almost everyone who does anythig for you. concierge, baggage check, asking for directions, room upgrades, etc.
Tipping is a custom. It is not mandatory.
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