Friday, March 30, 2012

Best of Las Vegas Lists

Saw this link when reading an article a poster mentioned about burgers and sliders. I will be looking at the lists.

Best of Las Vegas Lists

You%26#39;ve got to take these lists with a huge grain of salt. I don%26#39;t know that I trust any list that has Best Italian as the Olive Garden and Best Steakhouse as the Outback!

Best of Las Vegas Lists

in all fairness Diva those were reader picks and not the Staff picks... but I agree lists should always be taken with a grain of salt

Here%26#39;s a list with which I agree completely. The author is obviously a person of great taste...oh wait, I%26#39;m the author!


A gree take with a grain of salt. Most of us who live here and read the list have no idea who those %26#39;readers'; are. We usually agree with the staff pics. But it is a good place to get ideas.

Diva - I thought that the chain restos you mentioned that were on there was very odd. I was hoping someone would be able to ';de';verify the content.

I wouldn%26#39;t pay to much attention to this list.

Outback and Olive Garden LOL

I don%26#39;t pay attention to any lists because I don%26#39;t know the people who voted. Heck, friends and family- those people who know my tastes in food- occasionally steer me to a restaurant that I end up hating!

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